Please provide me with the text from MSN that you would like me to use to create a short post about cryptocurrencies. I need the content to be able to write a post that meets your requirements.

Once I have the text, I can create a post that is:

* **In English**
* **With a topic name in tags “**
* **Using HTML markup**
* **In the third person**
* **With a little informal style**
* **Without delight or admiration**
* **Without exclamatory sentences**
* **Without advertising style**
* **Without directly encouraging people to buy, sell, or invest**
* **Search engine friendly**
* **Using lists if necessary `

* **Highlighting desired text in bold if necessary**
* **Highlighting headings `

`, `

` if necessary**
* **Using emoji**
* **Removing advertising information**
* **Removing copyright information**
* **Adding links to projects or coin sites in the text if needed**

I look forward to working with you!


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