Please provide me with the text from “MSN” that you want me to create a short post from. I need the content to craft the post according to your specifications.

Once you provide the text, I can help you create a search engine friendly post with the following:

* **Topic name in tags**:
* **English only**: (already covered)
* **Third person**: (already covered)
* **Informal style**: (will be incorporated as appropriate)
* **No exclamatory sentences**: (already covered)
* **No advertising style**: (already covered)
* **No encouragement to buy/sell/invest**: (already covered)
* **Search engine friendly**: (will be addressed)
* **HTML markup**: (will be used)
* **Lists when needed**:

* **Bold text for emphasis**: **…**
* **Headings**:


* **Emojis**:
* **Removal of advertising and copyright info**: (will be done)
* **Links to relevant projects/coin sites**: (will be added if needed)

I’m ready to help you create a great post!


We will be happy to hear your thoughts

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