Angel Drainer Shut Down After Developers Identified

Angel Drainer, a notorious crypto phishing app responsible for stealing over $25 million from users, has reportedly shut down. Blockchain security firm Match Systems announced on July 16th that they had made progress in identifying the developers behind the app.

Match Systems’ Investigation

Match Systems urged victims to come forward with any information that could aid their investigation. Within hours of the announcement, Angel Drainer suspended its operations. Users on Angel Drainer’s Telegram channel reported issues with the app, including errors in value calculations and prompts.

The Fight Against Crypto Scams

The shutdown of Angel Drainer is a significant win in the ongoing battle against crypto phishing scams. It highlights the importance of robust security measures and collaboration between security firms and the crypto community to combat these threats.

The recent shutdown of Angel Drainer follows the closure of Pink Drainer and Violet Drainer, both of which were also involved in crypto theft. This trend suggests that security firms are becoming increasingly effective at tracking down and shutting down these malicious operations.

Stay Safe

Users are reminded to be vigilant and to take precautions against phishing scams. Never click on suspicious links, verify the authenticity of websites and apps before interacting with them, and consider using a hardware wallet to secure your crypto assets.

The crypto space is constantly evolving, and staying informed about emerging threats is crucial. By working together, we can make the crypto ecosystem a safer place for everyone.

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