BGP Security: A Roadmap for a Safer Internet

The internet is a complex and interconnected network, and the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is the glue that holds it all together. But BGP is also vulnerable to security threats, and the White House has released a roadmap outlining how to fix this.

The Problem with BGP

BGP, the primary routing protocol for the internet, was designed in 1989, back when security was less of a concern. This has led to numerous security breaches over the years.

* **Data Theft:** Attackers can hijack BGP routes to redirect traffic to malicious servers, stealing user data and cryptocurrency.
* **Espionage:** Governments have been known to manipulate BGP to monitor or control internet traffic.
* **Service Outages:** Misconfigured BGP routes can cause major internet disruptions.

The Solution: RPKI

The White House roadmap recommends implementing Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI), a security framework that uses cryptography to verify ownership of IP addresses and routes.

The Benefits of RPKI

RPKI offers a number of benefits:

  • Increased trust and security in internet routing.
  • Reduced risk of BGP hijacking and other attacks.
  • Improved stability and resilience of the internet.

Moving Forward

The White House roadmap outlines steps to promote RPKI adoption, including government initiatives and best practices for internet providers. This is a critical step toward making the internet safer and more secure for everyone.

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