Crypto and Biometrics: A Match Made in Privacy Heaven?

The world of digital identity is getting a serious tech upgrade, and biometrics are leading the charge. This week, we saw some exciting developments in the space, particularly where crypto meets biometrics.

Crypto Cards, Wallets, and Phones Get Biometric Makeover

**COCA**, a Hong Kong-based company, is shaking things up with its new debit cards that combine crypto and traditional finance. These cards are using “anonymous biometrics” and Multi-Party Computation (MPC) to keep your information safe.

**Privado ID** is another company making waves with its “Privado ID Web Wallet,” which uses biometrics for “Proof-of-Uniqueness attestations” via your phone’s camera.

And **Up Network** has launched the “Up Mobile” smartphone. This phone, built on AI and blockchain technology, uses AI to create unique digital identifiers using facial recognition and fingerprint data.

Omnigarde’s Face Recognition Software Scores Big in NIST Testing

**Omnigarde LLC** has made a splash with its **Omnigarde-004** AI-powered face recognition software. This software has earned a top-three ranking among US companies and a top-15 global ranking in the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Face Recognition Vendor Test (FRVT) 1:1 verification test. The software has reduced its average error rate by 25% compared to its previous version and by over 90% since its first release in 2021.

Interoperability is Key: OIX and DIACC Join Forces

The **Open Identity Exchange (OIX)** has joined forces with the **Digital ID Authentication Council of Canada (DIACC)** to create a more interoperable digital identity landscape. The goal? To create a global network that makes identity management and verification easier for everyone.

Innovatrics Makes Big Strides in Facial Recognition Technology

**Innovatrics** has made some serious progress in its facial recognition tech. Its latest algorithm has landed a top-13 ranking out of 152 global vendors in the NIST Face Recognition Technology Evaluation (FRTE) 1:N benchmark. This algorithm has halved its error rate, placing Innovatrics in the top 10 percent globally.

Fingerprint Cards AB Secures $1 Million Order for FIDO Solutions

**Fingerprint Cards AB (Fingerprints)** has received a purchase order exceeding $1 million from a global provider of FIDO solutions. This order is a sign of the growing demand for biometric authentication methods as people look for secure alternatives to passwords.

DHS Awards Contracts for Privacy-Focused Digital ID Tech

The Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) has awarded contracts to six startups—**Credence ID, Hushmesh, Netis d. o. o., Procivis, SpruceID, and Ubiqu**—to develop privacy-enhancing digital wallet technologies. These technologies aim to protect the privacy of individuals using digital credentials for immigration and travel.

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