Crypto Tax Crackdown and Other Government News

The IRS is ramping up its efforts to catch crypto tax evaders. They’ve investigated nearly 400 cases involving digital currencies and recommended over half for prosecution. They’re actively seeking taxpayers who haven’t reported their digital assets, as part of their Operation Hidden Treasure. 🕵️‍♀️

But a government watchdog says the focus is more on education and tools, rather than enforcement.

Here are some other government news items you might find interesting:

Defense Department’s Digital Modernization Strategy

The Pentagon’s CIO office didn’t fully comply with policies set by the Office of Management and Budget, according to a report by the Defense Inspector General. The CIO failed to make sure that a significant portion of the DoD Digital Modernization Strategy could be measured and verified. The report also found that the CIO office didn’t provide yearly assessments of the strategy in fiscal 2022 and 2023.

Senate Investigates Trump Assassination Attempt

Senate lawmakers are investigating security failures that led to an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee is requesting a closed-door briefing from the Secret Service, the FBI, and the Department of Homeland Security.

Federal Government Goes Green

The Pentagon and the General Services Administration are looking for vendors to provide carbon-free energy to federal buildings in 13 states and the District of Columbia. The government hopes to buy about 3.5 million megawatt hours of renewable electricity per year. This is part of the Biden administration’s goal to get federal agencies off of carbon-emitting power sources by 2030. 🌎

Transportation Department Needs a Chief AI Officer

The Department of Transportation is looking for a Chief AI Officer. This position will be responsible for coordinating the use of AI across the department, promoting AI innovation, and addressing the risks associated with this technology. 🤖

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