Cryptocurrency Scam Alert: Portland Police Issue Warning

The Portland Police Bureau is warning residents about a recent increase in email blackmail scams targeting the city.

What to Expect

  • Scammers send emails with the victim’s name in the subject line.
  • Emails include the victim’s address and phone number.
  • Attached files may contain personal information, including a Google Maps Street View picture of the victim’s residence.
  • Scammers claim to possess sensitive information such as browsing history or personal photos and videos.
  • They threaten to release this information to the victim’s contacts unless they receive payment in cryptocurrency.
  • Scammers often create a sense of urgency with a false deadline of one day.

Protect Yourself

* **Do not open attachments from unknown senders.**
* **Do not reply to these emails.**
* **Delete the email immediately.**

Report the Scam

The Portland Police Bureau recommends reporting these scams to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3):
* **[](**

If you have lost funds to a scam within the City of Portland, you can also file a report on the Portland Police Bureau website:
* **[](**

The FBI offers a variety of online resources about scams and safety:
* **[](**

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