NFT Comeback or Just a Fluke?

The NFT market has been in a slump for a while, with many proclaiming its demise. Reports suggest that 96% of NFTs are considered “dead,” meaning their holders are experiencing losses and struggle to sell them. But this week, **NFTs have shown a surprising 35% performance boost**, taking the top spot for crypto narratives according to Dune data. This has led some to question if the NFT market is experiencing a resurgence.

## Is This a Real Comeback?

While the recent growth is exciting, it’s crucial to consider context. The overall crypto market is currently experiencing a downturn. This means that the rise of NFTs could be relative, meaning the market is just shifting, with other narratives losing ground.

## Exploring the Numbers

* **User Growth:** The number of users on many blockchains is growing, suggesting increased NFT activity. Solana leads the pack with a 28% increase, followed by Polygon and Ethereum.
* **Wash Trading:** While wash trading (artificial trading to inflate volume) is a concern in the NFT market, recent data suggests it’s decreasing. On September 2nd, the wash trading rate was 1.1%, with 98.9% organic trading. This is a significant improvement compared to January 1st, 2024, when wash trading accounted for 40.5% of the market.

## A Deeper Look

It’s important to remember that these positive signs don’t necessarily guarantee a full-blown NFT comeback. The market remains volatile and there are many challenges ahead. New NFT collections, rising user numbers, and decreasing wash trading rates are promising indicators, but it’s too early to declare victory.

## The Future of NFTs

The NFT market is constantly evolving. While it’s facing challenges, the recent uptick in performance suggests there’s still room for growth and innovation. It’s important to stay informed and observe the market closely to understand if this is the beginning of a real comeback or just a temporary blip.

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