North Tonawanda Bans New Cryptocurrency Mining Operations for Two Years

North Tonawanda, New York, has placed a two-year moratorium on new cryptocurrency mining operations in the city. This decision came after residents complained about noise pollution from the Digihost cryptocurrency mining facility.

Residents’ Concerns Lead to Moratorium

Residents have been complaining about the noise from the Digihost facility since it began operations in February 2022. The noise, which has been described as sounding like a jet engine, has been a source of disturbance for nearby residents. The city council, recognizing the validity of these concerns, voted unanimously to implement the moratorium.

Digihost and Noise Reduction Efforts

Digihost has stated that they have been working to reduce the noise from their facility, including adjusting equipment and planning to build a noise barrier wall. However, residents have reported that the noise has not significantly decreased.

Digital Power Network’s Perspective

Ewelina Czapla, director of energy policy at Digital Power Network, a Bitcoin advocacy organization, expressed disappointment with the moratorium. She argued that noise issues can be addressed through technological upgrades and operational changes. Czapla pointed out that some facilities have implemented liquid cooling systems and noise barriers to minimize sound.

City’s Response to Noise Complaints

The city has taken steps to address the noise pollution from Digihost, including hiring an outside expert to monitor noise levels and train city employees on noise ordinance enforcement. The city is also planning to update its noise ordinance and zoning code.

The moratorium on new cryptocurrency mining operations in North Tonawanda reflects the growing concerns about the environmental and social impact of this industry. As cryptocurrency mining continues to expand, it is likely that other communities will face similar challenges.

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