Cryptocurrency and US Presidential Race

The US presidential race is heating up, with Vice President Kamala Harris taking over as the Democratic nominee after President Joe Biden decided not to run for re-election. This change has shaken up the race, with polls showing Harris erasing Trump’s lead in just a few days.

Harris and Trump have been exchanging barbs, with Harris calling Trump “just plain weird” and Trump calling Harris “evil,” “sick,” and “unhinged.” The two candidates have also been outlining their plans for the future, with Harris emphasizing her background as a prosecutor and Trump promising to make the US the “crypto capital of the world.”

Trump’s Shift on Cryptocurrency

Trump’s stance on cryptocurrency has shifted significantly since 2021, when he called bitcoin a “scam.” He now promises to make the US the “crypto capital of the world” and to implement industry-friendly regulations if elected. This shift is part of a broader Republican effort to court crypto enthusiasts ahead of the November 5 election.

China, which currently bans cryptocurrency, is a key focus for Trump’s crypto strategy. He warns that if the US does not embrace crypto, China and other countries will. It remains to be seen how Trump’s promises will translate into policy if he is elected.

The US presidential race is likely to have a significant impact on the future of cryptocurrency regulation. Both Harris and Trump have outlined their plans for the industry, and it will be interesting to see how these plans develop in the coming months.

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