Trump Embraces Crypto at Bitcoin 2024

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump made a big play for the crypto community at the Bitcoin 2024 convention in Nashville, Tennessee. He promised to make the US the world leader in cryptocurrency and create a national bitcoin stockpile. Trump also said he would commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht, the founder of Silk Road.

Trump’s Pro-Crypto Stance

Trump’s comments come as the US faces increasing competition from China in the cryptocurrency space. He argued that the US must embrace crypto or risk falling behind China.

Trump’s proposed policies include:

* **Creating a crypto presidential advisory council**
* **Establishing a national bitcoin stockpile**
* **Encouraging US firms to expand bitcoin mining**
* **Commuting the sentence of Ross Ulbricht**

Crypto Community’s Reaction

The crypto community’s reaction to Trump’s speech was mixed. Some, like Jack Mallers, CEO of Strike, praised Trump’s proposal to create a strategic bitcoin reserve. Others, however, are concerned about the potential for increased regulation under a Trump presidency.

Trump’s embrace of crypto is a significant development in the 2024 presidential race. It remains to be seen how his pro-crypto stance will play out with voters.

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