PixelRealm Leverages Neon EVM for Ethereum Game Deployment on Solana

PixelRealm, a Web3 gaming ecosystem, has partnered with Neon EVM to bring Ethereum-based games to Solana. This innovative move allows developers to deploy their existing Ethereum codebases on Solana without the need for extensive recoding, saving time and resources.

Bridging the Gap Between Gaming and Web3

This partnership comes at a time when blockchain gaming is experiencing a surge in interest, with nearly $580 million invested in 2024. PixelRealm, backed by Binance Labs and Polygon Studios, already boasts over 120,000 players. The collaboration will kickstart the launch of Kugle, a mobile game featuring virtual collectible pets, NFTs, and an animated player-driven universe called KugleWorld.

The Power of Neon EVM

Neon EVM is a Solana-based environment fully compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). This compatibility allows EVM-based decentralized applications to seamlessly operate on Solana.

“Time-to-market is crucial in gaming,” stated Steven Leaton, Gaming Lead at Neon EVM. “The window to capture player attention is often small, and delays in development can lead to player churn.” Leaton emphasized the importance of streamlining development processes and expanding reach, which are essential goals for any Web3 game developer.

A Developer-Friendly Approach

PixelRealm’s CEO, Samuel Plesnik, highlighted the mission of bridging the gap between traditional gaming and Web3 technologies. “Deploying on the Neon EVM network allows us to offer high-speed, low-fee gaming experiences that are essential for mainstream adoption,” Plesnik said.

The partnership aims to create a “plug EVM to Solana and play” environment, offering a developer-friendly architecture that fosters innovation and growth within the Web3 gaming space.

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