Craig Wright Admits He’s Not Satoshi Nakamoto

After years of claiming to be the mysterious creator of Bitcoin, Australian Craig Wright has finally admitted he’s not Satoshi Nakamoto. The admission came after a series of court rulings in England and Wales, where a judge found Wright guilty of “lying to the court repeatedly and extensively”.

The judge also found that Wright’s proof of being Nakamoto was “forged … on a grand scale”. Wright had previously demanded that the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) remove the Bitcoin whitepaper from its website, claiming copyright. However, COPA, which includes members like Coinbase and Block, challenged Wright’s claims, leading to the court battles.

The judge has recommended that the UK’s Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) investigate Wright for forgery and perjury, which could land him in jail.

What’s Next for Wright?

Wright has been ordered to pay over £6 million in legal fees to COPA. However, the judge acknowledged that enforcing this payment might be difficult given Wright’s annual income of around £160,000.

The judge also ordered Wright to publish the court’s findings on his website, X account, and Slack channels. This ensures that the public is aware of the verdict against him.

Wright’s claims have been met with skepticism from the crypto community for years. This latest ruling seems to finally put an end to his attempts to claim credit for the invention of Bitcoin.

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